It is inevitable that you’re going to face countless challenges from dealing with everything from severe budget limits to difficult employee relations, from down-turned markets with competition taking market share to innovating your sales and marketing strategies.
What’s essential to fulfilling your potential as a leader/ CEO?
Successful management means being able to employ core skill sets as the situation requires: leadership, management, sales, and marketing.
For decades, Ted Miller III has worked with CEO’s across the world, helping them develop these critical skills, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and transform their entire approach to business.
Ted’s wide perspective on strong and effective leadership is formed by working with over 25,000 entrepreneurs in business trainings designed to solve their greatest challenges plus his own executive-level performance in taking companies of all sizes to the top!

Yet, even if you present webinars to hundreds or thousands of prospects a week…
Even if your material has been researched 6 ways to Sunday…
Even if you’ve polished that delivery to perfection…
How do you present Webinars that $ell?
We are committed to sharing with you the exact answers and training you need to turn that flopping webinar into a fantastic success!
Why learn these insights from TM3?
Aside from the fact that our CEO helped coin the word “webinar” in the first place, here are a few other facts to note:
Generating over $100,000,000 in revenue through webinar sales model, Ted has successfully deployed tens of thousands of Webinars-that-$ell! With a minimal acceptance level of 20%, TM3’s average conversion ratio of the last decade is 30%! That is 10 times the industry standard! Ted Miller III wrote the soon-to-be-launched book called “Webinars that $ell” sharing the insights and experience that makes his webinars such a success. It’s only through life experience that true training can occur and it is this expansive webinar expertise that we’ll share with those wanting to actually see the profits roll in by hosting high-impact, adding value first, top-results webinars.

Sales Mastery
The true salesperson recognizes that no matter how many pitches they’ve delivered, no matter whether they’re hitting mediocre conversion rates or a top performer in their business, there’s always room for improvement.
I bet in your gut you know there’s a better way to “close a sale.” A stronger connection you can make with clients. A more powerful sales strategy.
What does it require to become a true master of sales success?
There’s a general belief that it requires 10,000 hours of practice in order to master a particular skill. Yes, even if you’re born with amazing inherent talent, there must still be an enormous amount of time and effort invested into mastering sales.
But if you spend those 10,000 hours practicing erroneous skills, employing inefficient strategies, or never gaining a true understanding of the underlying principles… then you’re doing yourself a major disservice.
- Discover the optimal path to sales mastery success
- How to create a “Sales Vortex” that many can’t escape and most don’t want to.
- Shorten your learning curve and the sales cycle
- Integrate proven and powerful sales strategies and tactics
It’s time to engage these top sales solutions and learn how to best apply them throughout the rest of your life.